Amiga Format CD 38
Amiga Format CD38 (1999-03-15)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-04].iso
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Text File
199 lines
(set @default-dest (expandpath "LIBS:"))
(set #safedelay 10)
;--------------------------- Englische Texte ----------------------------
(set #workmodeprompt (cat "This is a multi-purpose script. "
"What do you want to do?") )
(set #workmode0 "Install i2c.library")
(set #workmode1 "Configure")
(set #workmode2 "Uninstall")
(set #workmodehelp ( cat "\n\"Install\" copies a library to LIBS: and creates "
"an environment variable. Both can be removed again using the "
"\"Uninstall\" option.\n\n"
"\"Configure\" lets you adjust the environment variable which you "
"created during installation.") )
(set #hwchoiceprompt "Pick your type of I²C interface:")
(set #hwchoice0 "SERIAL PORT, as proposed by \"c't\" magazine")
(set #hwchoice1 "serial port, Wiegand VTX 2000 hardware")
(set #hwchoice2 "serial port, HSL VideoTXT hardware")
(set #hwchoice3 "serial port, KDK Satcom PC-Videotext")
(set #hwchoice4 "PARALLEL PORT, as proposed by Jan Leuverink")
(set #hwchoice5 "parallel port, Printtechnik teletext")
(set #hwchoice6 "parallel port, Microtext hardware")
(set #hwchoice7 "autoconfig board, M&T TeleTxt")
(set #hwchoice8 "FLOPPY PORT")
(set #hwchoicehelp (cat "\nDepending on the kind of interface hardware you "
"own, you can have one of several customized i2c.library versions "
"installed. Those interfaces which are described in the accompanying "
"schematics are CAPITALIZED.") )
(set #delayprompt "Enter a timing parameter for i2c.library:" )
(set #delayhelp (cat "\nSetting too small a delay parameter will keep "
"i2c.library from working properly.\n\n"
"While a value of " #safedelay " should be safe for all systems (and "
"has apparently been confirmed to work for you, too), you might "
"want to try smaller values, to optimize throughput: "
"5 has often been reported to work for A1200, 1 for all other Amigas "
"(including A4000)." ) )
(set #okmsg (cat "Communication with your I²C peripheral(s) was successfully "
"established. Congratulations.") )
(set #advice (cat "\n\nHint: If you think that you chose the wrong type of "
"library, you might want to reset your Amiga before running this "
"script again. That's (in some cases) the only way to make sure that "
"the current i2c.library is removed from memory.") )
(set #diagmsg5 (cat "I2CScan could not detect any listeners on your I²C bus. "
"This might of course be just because there aren't any?" #advice ) )
(set #diagmsg10 (cat "I2CScan couldn't test your interface, because "
"i2c.library either failed to detect it, or failed to access it "
"(possibly due to resource conflicts)." #advice ) )
(set #diagmsg15 (cat "I²C protocol errors occured while running I2CScan. "
"This might be because your hardware is not appropriate for the "
"type of i2c.library that you installed." #advice ) )
(set #diagmsg20 "I2CScan failed to open i2c.library. This is weird." )
(set #timingmsg (cat "Your I2CDELAY parameter does not seem to work for "
"i2c.library and has been reset to the default value of "
#safedelay ".") )
(set #uifarewell (cat "Deinstallation complete!\n"
"i2c.library and the I2CDELAY environment variable have been "
"removed from your system.") )
;---------------------------- Default values ----------------------------
(set #hwtype 0) ; c't hardware
(set #workmode 0) ; normal installation
(set #result 0) ; will be overwritten once we run I2Cscan
(set #farewell #okmsg) ; this too, in case of an error
(if (= 0 (exists "ENV:I2CDELAY"))
(run (cat "SetEnv I2CDELAY " #safedelay) )
(set #busdelay (getenv "I2CDELAY"))
;-------------------- Experts may choose what to do. --------------------
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set #workmode
(prompt #workmodeprompt)
(help #workmodehelp)
(choices #workmode0 #workmode1 #workmode2)
(default #workmode)
;------------------------- Are we uninstalling? -------------------------
(if (= #workmode 2)
(delete "ENVARC:I2CDELAY")
(delete (tackon @default-dest "i2c.library") )
(run "Avail FLUSH >NIL:")
(message #uifarewell)
(exit (quiet))
;------ For normal installation, pick, install and test a library. ------
(if (= #workmode 0) (
(set #hwtype
(prompt #hwchoiceprompt)
(help #hwchoicehelp)
(choices #hwchoice0 #hwchoice1 #hwchoice2 #hwchoice3 #hwchoice4
#hwchoice5 #hwchoice6 #hwchoice7 #hwchoice8 )
(default #hwtype)
; Copy the library binary.
(set #sourcefile
(select #hwtype
(source #sourcefile)
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "i2c.library")
; Try to purge a currently loaded image.
(run "Avail FLUSH >NIL:")
; Before asking for an optimized delay value, does this library work at all?
(set #result
(run (cat "bin/I2CScan -d" #safedelay " >NIL:") )
(if (= #result 20)
(set #farewell #diagmsg20)
(if (= #result 15)
(set #farewell #diagmsg15)
(if (= #result 10)
(set #farewell #diagmsg10)
(if (= #result 5)
(set #farewell #diagmsg5)
) ) ; #workmode 1
;--------------------------- Interview, part 3 --------------------------
(if (= #result 0) ; Alright, it works with the safe value. Optimize?
(if (= @user-level 2) ; this question for experts only
(set #busdelay
(prompt #delayprompt)
(help #delayhelp)
(range 0 100)
(default (+ #busdelay))
; Test the current setting of #busdelay
(set #result
(run (cat "bin/I2CScan -d" #busdelay " >NIL:") )
(if (<> #result 0) ; poorly chosen delay parameter
(set #farewell #timingmsg)
(set #busdelay #safedelay)
) ; #result 0
;-------------------------- Installation, part 2 ------------------------
; create the I2CDELAY environment variable
(run (cat "SetEnv I2CDELAY " #busdelay) )
(source "ENV:I2CDELAY")
(dest "ENVARC:")
;------------------------------- Farewell -------------------------------
(message #farewell)
(if (= #workmode 1)
(exit (quiet))